by Jackson Murphy | Nov 18, 2011 | TUTORIALS
The Edit Post and Edit Page area in your administration panel where you see a listing of all the saved posts/pages, 20 posts per page, that you’ve written on your site.
In this screen you can search for posts/pages and once located you can either edit or delete them.
Hovering your mouse over the title of a post/page brings up four action links:

Clicking the action link Edit opens the post into full edit mode where you can edit the post/page and/or configure post options
such as passwords, categories, tags and the timestamp.
Quick Edit
Clicking the action link Quick Edit opens the post/page options letting you configure features such as title, status,
passwords, categories, tags comments and the timestamp without having to edit the full post/page.
Used when you want to delete a post/page on your site.
Takes you to your site where you can see what the post/page looks like when viewed on your site.
by Jackson Murphy | Nov 18, 2011 | TUTORIALS
Writing a new post is a simple as:
1. Go to Posts > Add New
2. Give your post a title

3, Add your content
- The Write post area works similar to any Word processing software.
Simply write your post, highlight any text you want to format and then
click the appropriate icon in the toolbar to add formating such as bold,
italics, number list.
- If you hover over an icon it’ll tell you what each feature is used for.
- Click on the Show/Hide sink icon to access the Advanced formatting
toolbar for features like bold, italics, number lists, bullet points etc

4. Add your tags and categories
5. Click Save Draft then click Preview.
- This will open up your post in a new browser tab so you can view what it looks like on your blog before it is published.
- You do this to review what you have written so you can go back to your post to make any necessary changes.
- It’s important to check visually how your post looks on your blog and make changes so that it is easier to read online.

6. When finished writing click Publish.
by Jackson Murphy | Jun 21, 2011 | BLOG, BOOKMARKS
HTML5 has a bunch of form-specific features that all make forms on the web better. Browser support for the features is all over the map, but many of the features can be thought of as progressive enhancement, so if it works, great, the form is better, if not, whatever. In this screencast we look at all the new types, attributes, and elements and finish up looking at real world forms and how they could be better if they used these HTML5 features.
by Jackson Murphy | Jun 19, 2011 | BLOG, TUTORIALS
WordPress now makes it possible to embed media like videos, images, text, and more from other websites into a post or page by just adding the URL to the media into your content area.
Provided the media is from an allowed site all you need to do is:
1. Add the URL of the media on its own line (not hyperlinked)
2. Click Publish
3. WordPress automatically converts the URL into an embed when the post is viewed.

This method can be used to embed media from any of the following sites:
- YouTube
- Vimeo
- DailyMotion
- Flickr (videos and images)
- Viddler
- Hulu
- Qik
- Revision3
- Scribd
- Photobucket
- PollDaddy
- Google Video
- (VideoPress-type videos)
- SmugMug
by Jackson Murphy | May 22, 2011 | BLOG
My first animated film in Atlanta College of Art
by Jackson Murphy | May 22, 2011 | BLOG
One of my early films that I did at Atlanta College of Art