by Jackson Murphy | May 19, 2011 | BLOG, TUTORIALS

Adding image to a post or page from your computer is as simple as:
1. Place your cursor where you would like the image to be inserted.
2. Click on Add An Image icon (located on right of Upload/Insert above your Editor).

3. Clcik on Select Files.
4. Locate the images on your computer you want to upload and click open.
5. Once uploaded you just need to:
- type a title for the image
- add alternate text
- choose how you want the image align (None, Left, Center or Right)
- select size of image you want to insert (Thumbnail, Medium, Large or Full Size)
- and then click Insert into Post

by Jackson Murphy | May 9, 2011 | BLOG
by Jackson Murphy | May 3, 2011 | BLOG, WORDPRESS PLUGINS
I recently switched servers which meant I had to move about three WordPress websites. I also had to move a client’s website from a development server to the live server. If you’ve ever had to do this for a WordPress website then you know how much of a hassle it can be and how many things could go wrong. I’ve moved about four WordPress websites over the past few years and it has always been a pain. But not anymore! It is much easier now that I’ve found this awesome plugin called BackupBuddy and it works great. Check it out!
BackupBuddy is the only complete solution for WordPress backups. Backup, Restore, Migrate.
Backup your entire WordPress install. Including the widgets, themes and plugins. Backup to your server, Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud, FTP, or e-mail. Quickly and easily restore your site on the same server or migrate to a new server with a different domain and database. The process is easy, fast, and reliable.
by Jackson Murphy | Apr 15, 2011 | BLOG, WORDPRESS PLUGINS
The best WordPress, Multisite and BuddyPress resource and support site on the web.
I recently became a member of WPMU DEV. I wasn’t sure how it would help me so I signed up for a monthly subscription first. I was working on some WordPress websites and needed some technical assistance. I started posting on the WPMU DEV forums and all of the sudden, these experts were responding to me and answering my questions! All of the sudden it was like a had a team of people to consult with and provide valuable information quickly. They’ve already helped me save time on more than a few projects, so I decided to buy a full membership for a year. As a web designer/developer, this kind of support is a must! They don’t just offer support for their own products either. They will advise you on the best solution that meets your specific needs, even if it means using a plugin they didn’t develop…. although they do develop a lot of cool plugins. I even posted a small project and found a developer to help me out on a membership site.
If you are using WordPress or developing for WordPress, I would recommend that you try this out. Sign up for one month, just to see how useful it is. I think it’ll change your life… and make things a lot easier.
by Jackson Murphy | Feb 23, 2010 | BLOG
1. Provide all Hosting/Server information:
- Domain Name registar information (to switch or point the Domain name (if needed)
- Hosting: Account Center Login Information (URL/Username/Password) for the Host (Database access)
- FTP information (IP Address/Domain Name/ Username/ Password)
- Google Analytics Account Information for SEO (gmail account/password)
2. Design using a standard 12/16/24 column grid system
3. Use Standard Web Fonts for Navigation and Content/Headers
4. Organize the PSD Layers
- Create “folders” for home page and sub pages
- Create “folders” that contain “Always On” elements (for example: “Navigation, Header, Footer”)
- Provide Backgrounds that can be easily tiled for longer pages or a large static image that will not scroll
- Provide any special fonts for headers/graphic treatments
5. Provide any Logos with Fonts Outlined & Vector Art in Illustrator format
6. Provide Preferred Colors in Hex #
7. Provide META Tag information
8. Provide All Finalized Content
- Copy, Photos, Graphics, etc
9. Find a system to manage content and changes
10. Provide a Site Map and list specific requirements for each page
by Jackson Murphy | Feb 23, 2010 | BLOG
First of all I want to give thanks to Syed Balkhi ( @syedbalkhi ) for passing along his knowledge at WordCamp in Atlanta 2010. Some of the techniques here are really easy and some take some effort.
These are the 6 easiest things to do and you should be able to knock out in about an hour or so:
- Delete the install.php file in the wp-admin folder
- Delete the admin user account. Create a new account for an administrator. Log out. Log in with the new user account and delete the admin account.
- Move the wp-config.php file up one folder on your server. This is really good to do if your site is in the root of the server.
- Download and use these plugins: WP-DB-Backup, Login Lockdown, WordPress File Monitor, WordPress Security Scan, Stealth Login, WP Spam Free, Secure WordPress Plugin
- Deactivate tooltip and error message at login of WordPress with Secure WordPress
- Make sure file permissions on .htaccess and wp-config.php files are 644
Some other things you can do to help secure your self-hosted WordPress site:
Additional Resources and Links:
Now, I’m not saying this is 100% guaranteed and you will not be hacked but it doesn’t hurt to try and prevent it.